Monday, November 24, 2008

and then he was five....

has 5 years gone by since my logan was born? wow!!! i'm still young right? even though this 5 yr. birthday means, that next year, he will be in kindergarten? o my goodness....
Love you, Loggie!
we had a party at the park...and had all kinds of "sports" to play...i think the kids had fun. there were several new friends that came from his pre-k class and soccer team, along with other friends and family.

and i just had to add this one of my 1 yr. old niece, kenzie...we found her hanging out by the chips, rotating which chips she was eating...she had a great spot there! :)

1 comment:

Mrs. Valente said...

oh my goodness, FIVE. I know it'll be here before I know it, but it just sounds soooo grown up!!