Monday, May 31, 2010

funny quirk

tysen is talking sooooo much now! he's really a delightful kid [until he screams...his vocal cords can literally pierce your ears all the way to your brain].....well, he's become quite attached to his blankie. i'm glad because i know that sometime in the near future, when i muster up the courage, we will be taking his bedtime passy away. i actually tried to on a whim once, and was not mentally prepared for the raging fit he he won that little battle. [don't judge me, i know its pathetic, but i'm not kidding when i say that "i" was NOT ready]. i will have to really prepare for that. when that day comes, i want him to have something that he's attached help with that transition. anyway....he's attached to this blankie. but he's sooo funny about it. 90% of the time, he wants his shirt off. he'll come up to me, pulling at the bottom of his shirt, and say, "i take a shirt off mommy? can i, mommy? can i, mommy?" [its really quite sweet] ....but then he will walk back out, with this blanket wrapped around his shoulders. and that's where it stays!! he will color, and play with his toys, and eat...everything is totally normal, but that blanket must be around his shoulders. i don't really know why he started that, but its one of his funny little quirks.

[side note: its also really funny when he's going to sleep, he has to be holding the tag of his blanket...he will run the edge of the blanket all the way around until he finds the tag, then that's what he holds as he goes to cute.]

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