so, last night, one of the youth girls brought logan on her back to come find me, and said he had scratched his foot. i looked at it, and the heel was covered in blood, and was literally dripping everywhere.
we set him on the counter and there got to be a little pool of blood under his foot. it was a lot! but then again, what do i know? a friend grabbed papertowels for me, and i was trying to stop the bleeding, and logan was screaming...youth kids are all coming in...ian is standing there with eyes covered saying, "i cannot look at this. i cannot look at this. i cannot look at this"...and tysen is just running around without a care in the world. logan was crying so much i stopped touching him, and just held a papertowel under his foot to catch the blood (it was still bleeding so much i couldn't tell if it was a cut or a chunk, so i just stopped) while we summoned a sweet leader who is a nurse...she came and saved the day!!! another leader brought softer papertowels, so it wouldn't hurt him to put pressure on it...i had a friend take ian out (since he was obviously traumatized by the blood and screaming)...and asked another friend to watch tysen. i was still trying to figure out what happened, and it turns out there is a piece of metal hanging off the front of a couch he was playing when he jumped over the couch, it sliced his heel.
andy jumped in and got logan calmed down (and the youth girl who originally brought him to me held his hand the whole time...sooo sweet!) and the nurse got him cleaned up and bandaged. it wasn't too deep, and good news: he's going to be fine, everyone...haha...i know this isn't a big deal, but i've never seen so much blood from my kid before! (thankfully!!)
the friend that took ian out later told me that as they were leaving he said, "i cannot listen to him screaming anymore..." and then again later she heard him saying quietly to himself, "he's gonna be ok. he's gonna be ok"....about broke my heart. he's such a compassionate kid. he was very relieved to find logan --not screaming-- and foot--not bleeding....
school is closed today from an ice scare. i'm pretty sure there's very little ice on the road, but we texans close up just in case! :) so that actually worked out. he's got his foot all propped up while they play video games...i'm pretty sure he's going to milk this for awhile. :)
thank you, Lord, that this is the worst we've had to deal with so far....
1 comment:
Awww...look at that war wound photo! Such a boy:) Praise God that he didn't hit his heal or need stitches! I pray you won't EVER have to deal with anything worse!:) I hate it when people say it's just a matter of time. On our last trip to the ER (we've had three, ugh) we just had the boys with us. The nurse said, "Oh, you should just make a copy of these forms and keep them in your car. With two boys (she didn't know we had girls too) you'll be here a lot!" I said, "Well, I come against that in Jesus' name!" LOL
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