Tuesday, October 11, 2016

the month of wedding frenzy begins...

so, october is a crazy month of weddings for us! its such a rewarding stage of life to be working with college students...and then the weddings begin! we have 5 in one month...2 of them andy will officiate...i had to really think about my dresses! ha! andy has already officiated 6 weddings this year...so i had to think about who was at each wedding and try to strategically plan when to wear what! but it's a lot of fun, and i was really glad to have a couple weddings that andy isn't officiating and we just go together. we love having a reason to get dressed up!
first up, kenndall and lanie lewis!

the weather is finally cooling off...we used one of our free Saturday mornings to take advantage of that! cynthia (an international student from china that we have been hanging out with) came with us and we took breakfast to a park! BEAUTIFUL OUTDOOR WEATHER.

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