Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New Words

i just love it when toddlers start to talk. tysen has his own little dialect, that only andy and i understand. he can say "get down"...which sounds more like "di-dow"...and he says "pop-pa" which is "poptart"... "waaaa" is water...."passy" is "pappi"....and of course "wa-mlmlmlml"...ya know -watermelon. but right now, my favorite is "lav-la"...that one is "love you"...
every night when he goes to bed i kiss his nose and say "love you"...and he says back to me "lav-la"...it melts my heart. but yestarday...he said it for the first time, unpromted. and that about brought tears to my eyes. i put him in his carseat, and gave him a spontaneous kiss, and he looked at me with his bright blue eyes and said "lav-la"....

and then of course, i proceeded to kiss him again and again just to hear him say it!

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