Thursday, January 22, 2009

News and Updates...

First and foremost, in case you haven't heard, we have had a huge answer to you all know, Andy is a full-time student in seminary right now...working part time (feels full time) as the Junior High director for Denton Bible Church. We have been raising support through this season of life and have been amazed and humbled at how the Lord has been so gracious every step of the way! Recently, we started praying for a more affordable place to live, and we are now about to move to a new apartment complex...where, we will plan their monthly events for the exchange for FREE RENT!! It happened so fast, we really didn't know what to think....and now we are moving about 4 weeks. YIKES!!! It is truly amazing to see how the Lord has always - always - always taken care of our needs!!!!!! :):)
On to other late breaking news....Andy has taught the boys how to sock wrestle. Thanks, babe!! :)

Tysen can now pull up on was a discovery in the middle of the night as he must have been bored in bed...and pulled up...the worst part, is that he can stand up...then gets stuck and doesn't know how to get down. I remember this well with the other boys...and its not a fun stage.

Realizing that he can't sit back down...he just starts to scream whereever he is until i come get him. (we're working on the screaming thing. that's got to go!!)

"hey- american idol? i love this show!"

"o wait--i'm not done with my temper tantrum just yet.....mother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

and of course the three that will always be my babies.....

and their papaw....we had lunch with him Sunday...and the boys favorite pictures are silly faces. :)


carleigh said...

i hate it when they can't get down either!! they are so cute!

Mrs. Valente said...

What incredible news about the apartment complex! God is so good!

Heather said...

We are so excited for you guys and your new apartment! All of those "inbetween stages" are never fun :o( but that is awesome that Tysen is pulling up! Wow!

Pixel Perfect said...

What a blessing with the free rent!! Let us know if you need a truck and some help moving!!

Molly said...

So happy for your new place to live!! Let me know if I can somehow help you in the next 4 weeks...