Wednesday, February 25, 2009

new do...

all i'm going to say is....andy made me.
he looks so young now!! i loved his hair long, but andy wanted to buzz all the boys (though i said no way to tysen's) ... ian loves it...but he has the greatest was like just shredding up silk...even though its easier...i was not very happy about it...

Friday, February 13, 2009

date night

we have a great tradition with our old friends, the souders, to rotate going on a date and babysitting the works out perfectly as each of our kids are about 5-6 months apart...and they all play so well together! we recently have added the latest babies, so that makes 6 kids total!! here they all are in order of age...:)
logan, macy, ian, shep, tysen, ethan....

tysen LOVES babies!! we are working on the word 'gentle', as all he knows is what his brothers teach him, and that's not even close to gentle...but he just loves to sit with the babies and he wants to play soooo bad!! :)

tysen and daddy...

family night at chickfila

we went to family night at chickfila the other night, and they had facepainting. i was thinking a little smiley face or a star or something on the cheek...and much to my surprise, it was much more!! he loved it and was so proud of his spiderman did confuse tysen quite a bit, but logan had a blast!! :)

settling in to the new apartment...we have a little breakfast bar, that is great for the boys! logan says its his favorite place to eat now!!

and here's tysen enjoying his new breakfast of a cereal bar and a banana!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

funny things they say...

i seriously wish i had a video camera running on the boys all the time...

we were going to eat at some friends house and they have a big dog, which we all know is not logan's favorite thing. he was already stressed as we got out of the car cuz the dog was in the window watching us arrive...he started asking if he could just stay on andy's shoulders...poor guy, he is honestly just scared of dogs. then we hear ian trying to comfort him as he got out..."its ok, logan. its just a dog. its just a dog, logan...not a lion dog. just a regular dog!" :)

the other night andy and the boys dropped me off at my girls bible study. as i was getting out of the car, ian asked what i was doing, and i said i'm going to bible study with my girls. ian said, "so are you going on a girls date?"...i laughed and said, "yes, kinda like that"....
the next morning we all got up, and logan plopped down on the couch, leaned on the arm, and sighed...then looked up and said "so, mom, how was your girls night?"....just so grown up!!! :)

tysen just jabbers "dadadada" alot...but he is at the sweetest stage where he looks right at you when it kinda feels like he's trying to tell me something...:)